F3 Greenwood

Arrived at the SHIPYARD to cloudy skies, a little muggy with temperatures around 65 degrees. A good crowd of 16 pax including 1stF Q were on hand. With no rain falling and a field in good condition we headed to the field, grabbed some coupons, stuck the shovel flag in the ground. Circled the pax up for the COP.

Disclaimer was given

20 MG IC
20 LBAC (forward and reverse) IC

15 Decline DERKINS

15 Decline WERKINS

15 Decline MERKINS

A lot of creativity has been brought to F3Greenwood over the past few months, but the YHC wanted to reminisce about the early days and one of the most popular type of workouts was the DORA 123. So, PAX partnered up and YHC shouted out instructions for the 1st round of DORA

RD 1
100 dips
200 rows
300 curls.

Pax 1 stays at goal line does work
Pax 2 sprints to 50, does 5 hand release merkins, returns and flip flops with Pax 1.

RD 2
100 OH Press
200 Merkins
300 Shoulder shrugs

Pax 1 stays at goal line does work
Pax 2 sprints to 50, does 5 big boy situps, returns and flip flops with Pax 1.

Time was called at 6:00am, coupons were returned, Pax moseyed to the front of the gym at the urging of YHC in order to protect YHCs electronic hand held communication device from the rain.

22 Merkins were done in honor and remembrance of the vets who take their on lives daily. Please reach out to a veteran today!



As the rain started falling, YHC was a little surprised that the only pax really talking about heading for the shelter was the 1stF Q. But YHC resisted his demands for shelter work, and stayed the course on the field with the soaked pax, wet blocks, and newly formed puddles. YHC did seek shelter for the COT ONLY to protect YHCs personal handheld electronic communication device. And much to YHCs dismay, for the second Q in a row, YHC left disc cones scattered around the AO.

Habitat for Humanity service project next Tuesday. Let Pusher or Blueprint know if you call help (8am-12noon)
Whetstone is picking up steam- get involved to sharpen others.
F3 campout this weekend

Prayer request:
Juggernaut’s M, Blueball, YHC’s daughter and son-in-law (foster kids) and all the others throughout F3 Greenwood.

The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. We learned that in Geometry. Sometimes we try to apply that principal to our life. We are at point A and want to get to point B, and a straight line is the easiest and quickest way to get there. But, unlike Geometry, life is messy. We live in a world with all kinds of forces. Relationships, finances, health issues, desires, sin, and all kind of things pulling us in different directions. Our lines end up being crooked lines. When they do, and they will- it is important that we realize that is life. God orchestrates our paths and usually it involves crooked lines. Look at Joseph’s path in his life. He made his brothers mad, got thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, got a good job, got taken advantage of by a bad woman, got thrown in jail, interpreted a dream, was forgotten, got another good job, became rich and powerful and was able to save his family. His route wasn’t his plan, but was Gods plan.
Let’s acknowledge that His ways are not our ways and REST in the fact that, those straight lines….WE DREW THOSE…and GOD DRAWS CROOKED LINES.