30 pax posted for some running and coffee with a splash of 22 merkins.
Often times we as Americans forget how truly great we have it. We fail to recognize the enormous luxuries that we seemingly take for granted like waking up in a climate controlled house, using indoor plumbing, or grabbing a chilled beverage our of the refrigerator. We should wake every morning and thank God for all of these wonderful blessings. There is however another that we should thank for these gifts. Each day servicemen and women rise far away from their families to protect these gifts. They proudly stand watch so that we can practice our religion without the fear of persecution. It has long been a philosophy of our Armed Forces to take the fight to our enemies and try and prevent any wars from being fought on our lands or within borders. Some of these protectors have struggled to assimilate back into our world after returning from their deployments. Today we did 22 merkins to raise awareness to their struggle. Tonight you should ask yourself “what else more can I do to lessen their hardship and ease their transition?”
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
JKS – Alpo