F3 Greenwood

YHC has found an affection for the profound as of late and today is no different. I am super grateful for the five guys who came out to help me celebrate my 40th birthday today. It means a lot to me that you chose to post with me this morning. And since it’s my birthday, enjoy this 311 video just because. Lyrics provided as a courtesy to you, my friends…

I’m a tempest

And I rarely rest

But that’s what you gotta do if you wanna be the best, so

I’m on the threshold

Don’t tell me no

I just flow and know I can count on my bros!

15 years ago, YHC had an affinity for illicit substances. And liked others to join in the fun. Like that time UncleJesse’s brother and I cooked up mushroom tea at a frat house right down the street from UJ’s house. Word got around pretty quickly – it is Greenwood after all – and before we knew it, 3/4 of the Lander University student body was seeing stuff that wasn’t there. That was a big hit with that student body disciplinary thing they have. Kinda like in Animal House.

Somehow – grace, mostly – I survived that long, rough ride and entered #SadClown status. I wish I would have known 15 years ago that you CAN party every day; it’s just a different kind of party. My parties now take place in the gloom with some other party-hearty fellers. Bang.

By the way, we did a workout.


  • I’m not a professional, but I am officially “old” today so be mindful haters and hate-haters!


  • SSH x 40 IC
  • Merkins x 20 OYO
  • LBC x 40 IC
  • Merkins x 20 OYO
  • Grab a couple of big bricks (new toy) and try not break your new toys (Refugee)
  • Side raises x 10 IC
  • Front raises x 10 IC
  • OH Press x 10 IC
  • Moroccan Night Club More OH Press x 10 IC


  • Mosey to pull up bars, put up bricks and grab a block
  • Complete the work however you see fit. Once you come off the bars, put down the block, etc. you MUST go to a different movement. Must also travers the monkey bars 3 times during the work.
    • Knees-to-Elbows x 40 #CrowdPleaser
    • Burpees x 40
    • Thrusters x 40 (Real ones, not the half squat, half press favored by some)
    • Dips x 40
  • Mosey to the gazebo
    • Box Jumps x 10
    • Decline Merkins x 10
    • Dips x 10
    • Incline Merkins x 10
    • Rinse and Repeat x 4
    • Monkey Humpers x 40
    • Flutter Kicks x 40
  • Fast mosey back to the flag





  • #TheAssault this Saturday. We need shadows for the event.
  • Fury open on Saturdays starting 3/26. Nan’tan pulled rank and insisted on first Saturday Q. Be there.
  • Whetstone will begin 4/2. BabyBlu is QIC. Get involved. You’d be a fool not to. #JustSayin
  • Connie Maxwell Mud Run 4/9
  • USMC Mud Run 4/30. Duggar is Q.
  • Relay for Life 5/6. Sign up. Seriously. If you don’t, then you’re an idiot. #JustSayinAgain
  • 0 camp out 5/20-21. BoyGeorge is QIC. More deets coming.
  • Refugee is hooking us up with some new big boy dip bars so we can not destroy our shoulders on the ones already there that are 6 feet apart. Whatever you can do to help would be much appreciated. Or if you have any suggestions for new coupons, ropes, etc. Get involved. This is our AO. Let’s make it special.
  • Check the newsletter for more info. This is just a simple backblast. There’s a LOT going on around F3Greenwood!

Prayer Requests

  • Refugee’s 2.0
  • UncleBuck’s mysterious praise report
  • SlowPitch’s 2.0
  • Pacer’s friend Uncle passed away
  • YHC with some work stuff
  • There may have been others, SkyQ knows what’s up


NakedMan Moleskin

  • Didn’t take long for this sharp crown to catch on to the “40” theme. SlowPitch, who has just barely moved from HateHate to Hate, didn’t think it was fair. It’s not, but life ain’t fair and I was a little sore about hitting life’s hump day. So you’re welcome.
  • The Moroccan Night Clubs with the bricks went over like, well, like Moroccan Night Clubs with ridiculously heave bricks.
  • The Knee-to-elbows proved to a real #CrowdPleaser. But he PAX picked up on it quickly and noted that they are more difficult for the old, fat guys. Aye.
  • Kipping instruction is desperately needed. Expect Hollow Rocks and Supermans to make an appearance soon.
  • YHC was disappointed with the lack of “old” jokes this morning. Especially from Refugee who can still jump fences (hence, the name) at his HateHate age.
  • For some reason the PAX think YHC’s sideview mirror looks like a coat rack. There is always a nice collection of gear hanging on it after every workout.
  • YHC ran upon the bricks yesterday morning while chasing after his wily little dogs. Grabbed a few and made the way back to the house. Got nervous about not having enough and ended up with 30 – enough for 15 PAX. Then 6 showed up. Aye.

There is lots of stuff in the BigBook of Life concerning sowing and reaping. YHC’s take on it is this: you are either building habits of excellence or destruction, getting better or getting worse. There is no such thing as stagnation. That is an evil lie planted by the Enemy to convince us we don’t need to get better. Sometimes choosing habits of excellence takes a long time to see any fruit. Stay the course. Keep choosing excellence. Always do your best no matter what. That is what YHC has learned from the past two months of deep reflection.

And let me take a moment to say a special “thank you” to some folks:

  • Meatloaf and Flossy – who knew you two clowns would turn out to be two of the best friends I have ever had. Never afraid to speak truth into my life. Aye.
  • UHaul and SnakeOil for turning me on to this crazy thing called F3.
  • All the PAX of F3Greenwood who have sharpened, supported and stood me up for the past 9 months. Aye.
  • And, most importantly, to the only guy who has known me through all the stages of my adult life – UncleJesse. Somehow you always pop up at just the right time.


Juggs out.