F3 Greenwood

9 pax awoke to no water droplets descending from the heavens and decided it would be a good idea to post at Fury. Well we would have posted anyway but it was a welcome surprise! YHC had the pleasure of leading off week number 2 of F3Greenwood’s newest AO. Ideas had been floating around ever since the launch about how the #beatdown would unfold. So many options………maybe too many! Stay tuned…..Let’s roll!



SSHx40IC (Flossy favorite)


Double Leg Mountain Climbersx30 OYO


Main Thang

Mosey to Stop sign

MerkinJacksx30 OYO

Jungleboi Squatsx40OYO

Mountain Climbersx30OYO

Mosey to Dentist Office

Flutter Kicks(Until Time called by Q)

Decline Merkinsx30 OYO

Dounble Leg Mountain Climbersx20OYO(These things need a name!)

Lunge walk  Mosey to water treatment entrance (Modified due to crossing Hwy)

JungleBoi Squatsx30 OYO

MerkinJacksx20 OYO

LBC’sx40 OYO

Mosey to Stoplight

8 Light poles stand between pax and fury Road……10Burpees at each one! That makes 80 total! #BOOM

Line up at base of Fury Road

Indian Run to Flag, YHC choose 2 locations for break and we did 20 Merkins at each stop.


V-upsx15 OYO

Flutterkicks until YHC called time

V-upsx15 OYO



Countorama, Namerama, Prayer (Requests: Kobayashi’s Mother has had cancer return, Slowpitch’s daughter battling a bad cough that is actually causing her to throw up, Pacer’s co-worker’s mother in-law is not doing well and is in hospital with COPD, Fabio will have surgery on his hand 1 week from Thursday, Solo’s situation is improving at home.


The Assault 3/12

Whetstone Project – Baby blu is Q

Mudrun – Duggar is Q do not sign up until F3 sign up is live.

Relay for Life – May 6 Uncle Buck is Q

F3 Greenwood Dads Camp at Connie Maxwell – May 20-21 Boy George is Q

Read newsletter! We have a ton of stuff going on!

Naked Mole Skin

YHC had been waiting for this Q for quite sometime….so excited to Q Fury I woke up an hour early! I evidently underestimated the time because we did not make it to the coupons! Needless to say YHC was worn out with out the coupons anyway! #BePrepared Better to over prep the Q than underprep!

The day got started with good #mumblechatter so much so that when Uncle Jesse started singing Salt n Peppa “Push-it” the pax chimed in with the chorus. This sparked Capri into saying if you could sing you were not working hard enough! This would change soon enough with a surprise for the pax.

#MumbleChatter and Singing would cease when we hit the meat of the work out. Burpee row (8 light polesx 10 burpees per pole equaling 80 total burpees) would surely deliver worthy of being in a Fury w/o. Thanks Juggernaut for complimenting me on my addition capabilities. Stick with easy numbers!

Burpee row did not disappoint as Juggernaut made the comment he was trying to get his heart rate down and some of the pax modified. No shame there….it is in the disclaimer! You were out there pushing it either way! YHC also jinxed the pax saying that at least we did not have any 18 wheeler fly-bys. Right on Q would be the 18 wheeler 30 seconds later. The breeze was refreshing!

#Mumblechatter would return just in time for MOM as Uncle Jesse flashed his musical skills and even went country on us! His musical repertoire is unlimited! There were other conversations as well but we will let the magic carpet keep you in suspense and just not go there.

Oh yeah, almost forgot the reminiscing on Fury road about the old Northside Jr High days. Coach Roper, Coach Threat, Coach Boyd ……….#Goodtimes One day, hopefully, we can get in the gate and on that old football field! Lot of history there.

Awesome work by the pax! It was an honor pushing the limits today with you guys and getting better. The workout was good but if you question the power of F3 just circle up for the COT and BOM. Pax opening up and requesting prayers for things in their lives is real life deep stuff. I have not had that with a group of men until May 9, 2015. I appreciate it every day and am grateful for the brotherhood that F3 Greenwood and on a larger scale F3 nation provide. All 3 F’s are so important! Keep #gettingbetter! Aye!