F3 Greenwood

YHC and Juggernaut took on the Q of the Convergence this month and laid out a few plans before settling on a max rep competition.

Conditions: Perfectly gloomy and 48*

Disclaimer: YHC is perfecting this and get it in prior to wheels up!

Mosey to the Flag and circle up for the COP

All exercises IC unless noted:

  • 40 SSH (Juggernaut)
  • 30 Flutterkicks (Meatloaf)
  • it should be noted at this point to a particular PAX uh hum Dugger began taunting the Q’s
  • 10 Burpees OYO (Juggernaut)
  • 50 Heel Taps (Meatloaf)
  • 10 Hand Release Rabbit Burpees OYO (Juggernaut)
  • 25 LBAC Forward and Backwards (Meatloaf)
  • 5 Merkins everyone in sequence
  • 5 Merkins everyone in sequence

Count off by 3’s, 1’s partner with the 2 and 3 to your left.

Mosey to coupons and everyone get a coupon. (YHC Caused some confusion here but we sorted it out quickly)

The Thang

5 Min Max Effort team AMRAP.  1 partner works and the other 2 rest and switch off as necessary.  Count all reps combined over the total of the 5 exercises.  Exercises are as follows:

  • LBC
  • Curls
  • Chest Press
  • Heel Taps
  • Overhead Press

Put coupons and jailbreak to the flag and circle up.

Smoke Session

  • 30 Flutterkicks IC, Hold 6 Inches, 15 Hello Dolly, Hold 6 Inches (Juggernaut)
  • At this point the PAX named earlier will get what he was asking for the all PAX will suffer
  • 25 IC Forward LBAC , 25 IC Backward LBAC, 25 IC Overhead Claps, 25 IC Raise the Roof, 25 IC Morracan Night Clubs (Now everyone’s arms can fall off, thanks Meatloaf)
  • 10 Burpees OYO (Juggernaut)
  • 10 Burpees OYO (Juggernaut)
  • 50 IC Heel Taps (Meatloaf)

Countotama: 27 Faithful PAX (With 2 FNG’s)

Namaorama (Welcome Floyd and Sapling)


  • Assault March  12th
  • Relay for Life May 6th sign up now with our team and start raising money
  • F3 Whetstone program coming to Greenwood early April. It’s about accountability and sharpening each  other, something we all need.

Prayer Request

  • Macncheese family member not doing well
  • Solo and family
  • Others that I’m forgetting but God has not and He heal according to His will

YHC Closed in Prayer


  • Fun competition time today.  We kept score or tried to.  YHC wanted to write all the scores down after each  round to be able to keep up but Juggernaut insisted it was not necessary and we could keep it in our head.  Yea that didn’t workout for anyone.  A lot of reps were done, some reps were called into question but we all tried to hold each  other accountable.  Your only cheating yourself if you do it half way.
  • YHC must admit at this point that I have dropped the ball in providing a devotion after workout and I’m sorry for letting the PAX down in this area.  I was reading this morning in Ephesians 4:26-27 “Be angry, and yet do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity.”  I know this verse, read it many times, taught it to my kids and sought to live it out.  I have not however look at the preceding verse, “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each  one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.”  It is by no mistake that the Lord put these verses together.  We should speak truth to one other, we should hold each other accountable.  Why because we own it to one another and we are all one family those that are in Christ.  Why do we not do this  though, because our pride causes use to become angry when our sins are called out.  We become angry at times when truth is spoken into our lives because we are hiding behind a façade, F3 calls it SadClown (happy on the outside and conflicted and struggling on the inside). We all need a accountability and be called out of hiding and into His glorious light.  Speak truth to your brother, do it in love, but speak  truth, put away falsehood and keep it 100.  Men when truth is spoken into your life don’t immediately bristle at it,  take time to reflect on it, examine yourself and #getbetterbebetter for Him,
  • A lot of chatter about YHC being the PCQ and YHC is good with that.  Someone has to hold some of you guys accountable :).
  • YHC wants you to know that I truly want each  of you to be who God has called you to be in every area of your lives.  To be the husbands and fathers God has called you to be and your family needs you to be.  Nothing takes priority over this responsibility, nothing.  I’m also committed to doing whatever I can to help everyone #getbetterbebetter.  It’s not just about a workout for me, thought I am truly enjoying exercise and getting into better shape, it can’t be just about the workout, the workout is the magnet, the fellowship is the glue and the living for Him is the dynamite.  Forgive me at times for focusing too much on the magnet. Lets stick together and blow some stuff up!