F3 Greenwood

A dozen hardy souls assembled at the Fountain for an out and back to run off the Valentine’s Day chocolates stolen from their M’s over the weekend!  Juggernaut, Uncle Buck, and Refugee took it up to XXL, starting at 4:45 to do a 10k around the Wood before breakfast.

Conditions: 30 degrees, Cold and windy.

Disclaimer, including reminder that running behind this Q constitutes going too slow.

The Thang:  Out and back up Montague Ave., 22.5 minutes each way.  Early bird overachievers did a brisk 10k, and still got back to the Fountain before most of the Pax.

COT: Announcements for new AO: Fury, starting Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:15am, Genesis Center (Behind Chick-fil-a).  Fury workouts are for those who’ve become too comfortable with the slow pace, and featherweight beatdowns offered at the Shipyard and Epicenter. Juggernaut is the AOQ.

The Assault is March 12 at the Epicenter. The Wood’s first CSAUP, it features 8 Q’s, 30 minutes each.  Signup is free, but lunches are available from Chickfila for $5 apiece, will include two sandwiches, drink, fries, and intravenous fluids.  (Defibrilator available upon request.)

Uncle Buck teased with a pre-announcement of a new event that will be announced at the Starbucks run on Wednesday.  What beatdown awaits the Pax?  Enquiring minds want to know!

New Run AO, Hustle, has also started, Mondays at 5:15am at the Shipyard.

Prayer Requests: Thumper, having surgery today. Solo, having issues with his son. Juggernaut, apparently coming down with Tuberculosis, based upon coughing fits!