While most PAX were #Cantorre, there were three faithful who posted to honor our heroes for the weekly #REDFriday Hero WOD. This week would enter the #Gloom to honor Special Agent Forrest Leamon of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. More info on this hero here.
- #Joaquin cold, wet , rainy
The Thang
Due to the rain and wet pull-up bars, we modified this one greatly. YHC tried Toe to Bar once and almost ended up flat on his back.
3 Rounds:
- 30 incline merkins (from 20 pull-ups)
- 60 LBCs (from 30 Toe to Bar)
- 40 burpees (Again? Are you serious???)
- 800m mosey
- Convergence tomorrow at GGC! No other AOs open. Double down is Race the Helix 5K. Be there to run or volunteer.
- Mud Run Oct. 24. Need a man not doing the mud run to step up and take Q at #Epicenter!
- Augusta #BigBang Nov. 7. Let Flossy know if you are HC. Also, e have the third of #SixSaturdays for Q. HC with Flossy ASAP. Getting the #ClownCar ready!
Prayer Requests
- Nipples’ children having difficult time with separation/divorce.
- Grandmother of Mayhem’s M in declining health
- YHC’s family has spent the whole summer in the hospital with various injuries and ailments
- Back injuries to Mayhem and Unplugged
- Flossy and family
- Law Enforcement, especially #FAPD
- Martyrs in Oregon
- Very special BoM with only three PAX. Great connection to the Creator of Life just to chat.
NakedMan Moleskin
- Though modified, this workout was tough! Shoulders a little sore from BurpeeFest yesterday combined with #QuestFor10K #MerkinChallenge. No more burpees for a few days. Please.
- Great encouragement all the way around pushing through more burpees.
- #TClaps to Nipples for refusing to compromise on the pull-ups!
- Complaints of cold ended after about 5 burpees. Burpees appear to warm the insides like good liquor – and leave you feeling a little dizzy – but don’t have that “AH!” feeling after taking a sip.
- Great work by the PAX and, as always, YHC considers it an honor to lead workouts dedicated to our nation’s heroes!