F3 Greenwood

Crowd was down this Monday but new PAX have joined us on the run, welcome Bo Diddly, Dolly, Polly, Crash.  12 strong PAX in all dissed the fartsack to getbetter!

Conditions 66 Degrees and finally a little cool


Explaining route to new runners and one did not listen (Polly) and forgot to turn at the 22.5 minute mark.

Out and back in 45 minutes and the PAX continue to go farther and run faster.  Great job by all!  Keep it up men!!

Countorama and Nameorama


Oct. 3rd is the Convergence at Genetic Center and Double Down 5K Race for the Helix!  Be there absolutely no #fartsacking on this day.


Various Friends and Family having illnesses.


YHC closed in Prayer