18 PAX showed up on a cool September morning to knock out a workout prior to what I assumed would be a long day of watching college football for most. We had at least two Wofford Terriers in the PAX and one was very vocal in his support for said Terriers. Our most vocal Clemson Tiger supporter was absent from the morning’s festivities which did not go unnoticed (Mr. Bean). A great workout was had and most were relieved when it was over.
SSH x 25 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO
SSH x 20 IC
Burpees x 4 OYO
SSH x 15 IC
Burpees x 3 OYO
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Burpees x 2 OYO
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Burpees x 1 OYO
The Thang
Partner up. Size doesn’t matter. Grab a coupon and mosey to football field. One coupon per team.
Greta (YHC doesn’t know why the workout is called Greta, but noted that was one of his favorite Widespread Panic songs, so there you go).
Round 1 (20 min max)
100 Man Makers – 200 KB Swings – 300 Thrusters (Cumulative between team)
P1 starts coupon work
P2 sprints to other goal line (Full 100 yds), 10 hand release merkins, sprint back.
Flapjack until ALL work is completed.
When finished, help teammates who are struggling finish their reps.
Greta Round 2 (15 min max) Same deal, but only to 50 yard line and 5 hand release merkins)
Grab additional coupon for dips.
100 Dips – 150 OH Press – 300 squats
Again, when finished, start picking up reps for teammates.
All teams completed round 2 together by completing final team’s 12 remaining air squats in unison!
Extra Duty
Each PAX grab a coupon and complete 100 yard down and back.
Mosey back to flag.
20 flutters OYO (Count right leg only)
20 Mountain Climbers in Cadence (Flossy special request)
15 V -ups OYO
Great workout. YHC was unaware of Q responsibility until Friday am, therefore he piggybacked off of the Epicenter’s workout with slight modifications (Thanks Juggernaut). It was a tough one from beginning to end.
Announcements – Mudrun, Convergence, Bull Street Run