F3 Greenwood

19 PAX suffered through an abtastic beatdown in the epicenter gloom on Thursday morning.

There was much mumblechatter to be heard so Kaboom picked up the pace in an attempt to silence the PAX.

Some were unaffected by the X and O’s, until they tried to roll out of bed the following morning!


 The Thang



Mountain climbers IC x 15

Russian twists IC X 10

Flutter kicks IC X 10


Mosey to field

Circle of pain


X and O – 3 min


Partner up

Iron cross/ reverse crunch combo x 50 OYO

Indian run to tennis court area

X and o for 3 min

Iron cross/ reverse crunch combo x 50 OYO

Indian run to swing sets

Partner up

Swerkins x 15 while partner does burpees, then switch – 3 min

 Tried to rest, but Meatloaf insisted on toe taps so everyone was forced to join in.

 Indian run to flag

 LBC X 25 IC

Freddy Mercury  x 15 IC

Flutter kicks x 15 IC

Count o rama – 19

Name o Rama


1.       October 3, Race for the Helix: Boot camp at 6.15 then stick around for the 5k

2.       Mud run sign up (Mr Bean unable to make it due to Oyster roast the night before) (Snakeoil looking for teammates)

3.       T shirt order to Meatloaf if interested

4.       Sunday evening, 8 mile baptism at 6pm Camp Fellowship – need as many PAX for support as possible

5.       Coach K is leading Authentic Manhood bible study at Northside

6.       Need volunteers for future Q’s


Prayer Requests

1.       Snakeoil’s daughter to have outpatient surgery Monday morning

2.       Remember victims of Virginia shooting

3.       Pray for people involved with finding the baby in the dumpster