YHC had the privilege of Q’ing the #split @Epicenter. YHC decided to bring back one of my favorite workouts thus far, the Deck of Death. YHC knew it would challenge the PAX and could also be modified if needed. The threat of rain and the pre blast warnings did not deter 20 faithful PAX from posting to #getbetter in the #gloom. There was early #mumblechatter in the parking lot about the tweets YHC had been sending out about the Deck of Death workout. Hearing this YHC knew he had accomplished the anticipation he had been looking for and did not disappoint the PAX. YHC got the PAX warmed up early by everyone grabbing a block when they arrived to circle up around the shovel flag.
Condition : 72 Degree and 97% Humidity Muggy Sweatfest
- Mosey to Soccer Field and Circle Up (For some reason the PAX had a little trouble circling up but alas we got it straight and got to work)
- TTH X 10 IC
- Curls X 6 OYO (Diamonds)
- Jump Squats X 5 OYO (Queens)
- Manmakers x 6 OYO (Hearts)
- Smurf Jacks X 10 OYO (Jacks)
- Overhead Press with Block x 6 OYO (Spades)
- Al Gore Burpees x 5 OYHCC (Aces)
- Kettle Block Swings X 6 OYO (Clubs)
The Deck of Death
- Spades = Overhead Block Press
- Hearts = Manmakers
- Clubs = Kettleblock Swings
- Diamonds = Curls
- Jacks = 10 Smurf Jacks + 10 Reps of Suit Exercise
- Queen = 5 Jump Squats + 10 Reps of Suit Exercise
- Kings = Sucide + 10 Reps of Suit Exercise
- Aces = 5 Al Gore Burpees + 10 Reps of Suit Exercise (YHC Favorite Exercise Thanks Capri)
- Jokers = Bearmerkin to 1st cone and back (Always a Crowd Pleaser)
There was early #mumblechatter about the deck being stacked or YHC not shuffling properly as we hit a string of 4 high Hearts (Manmakers) in a row, which prompted some PAX to proclaim they were men now. It was a suckfest through parts but the PAX were determined to fully swallow the #redpill. We pounded it out and went at a fast pace and the PAX came just 6 cards shy of our goal of making it through the deck. Work was put in by all and we all #gotbettertogether.
Unofficial Totals
- 85 Manmakers with Block
- 80 Curls with Block
- 80 Overhead Press with Block
- 85 Kettle Block Swings
- 50 Smurf Jacks
- 25 Al Gore Burpees
- 25 Jump Squats
- 15 Yards of Bearmerkin
- 4 Suicides
Return coupons and gather at flag
Countarama and Namaorama
Announcements and Prayer
- Woodpecker has a family friend whose son was in a bad ATV accident
- Catfish asked from prayer for National Guard as suicide attempts are at all time high
- Fabio neighbor house burned
- August free coffee to new comers on the Wednesday 5K still stands. Keep getting better by running men.
BOM – Meatloaf closed with prayer
Great work this morning men and you can tell the PAX are #gettingbetter and continuing to push themselves and each other. YHC would like to personally thank the PAX for pushing him to #getbetter and giving encouragement along the journey. YHC has truly enjoyed making regular #downpainments with my brothers of @F3Greenwood. T-Claps and keep and EH machine rolling. We are still close to being #problematic at 20 PAX keep encouraging guys to come out as we continue to grow.
In His Service,