F3 Greenwood

I entered college over weight (230-240lbs) out of shape and with a low-self esteem.  At the end of my first semester I decided to start losing weight and exercising. I dedicated myself and actually enjoyed exercising.  Over the next year and a half I lost 75lbs and was in the best shape of my life.  Shortly after college I meet my wife and began devoting my time to our marriage and relationship and my relationship with God and serving others.  Exercising slowly faded away and I gained back the 75lbs plus another 35lbs.  I rationalized I was doing what was most important which was investing in my wife, others and eventually my kids.  Over the next 15 years I would try on and off to exercise and lose weight, dropping 10-15lbs and then losing drive and giving up.  Finally after a failed attempt to get back in the gym earlier this year I resigned myself to just being over weight and out of shape the rest of my life, things were never going to change.

April 23rd I received an email from a friend that would change my life and perspective like I never dreamed possible.  My good friend Michael George (Boy George) sent me an information email about F3 and encouraged me to attend the launch in Greenwood.  I looked up F3 on line and was intrigued by the stories and testimonies that I read.  I had been desiring to become more active with other men and all 3 F’s that F3 encompasses. I had hesitations but I decided to give it a try and see what it was all about and I’m so glad I did.

May 9th, 2015 I arrived at  the Civic Center in Greenwood, SC being out of shape and over weight (273lbs).  As men began getting out of their cars I was seeing a lot of fit guys thinking I hope there are some out of shape over weight guys like me and thinking I might be in over my head.  That first workout was brutal, but I loved it. I was sore, I mean really sore, till Thursday of that week but I loved it.  I loved it because it was hard and it was challenging.  I loved it because when I was dragging behind our couldn’t do an exercise a guy was there beside me encouraging we to keep pushing or modify if I needed to.  I loved it because I was accepted, I was a part of something bigger, I was not compared to the man beside me, I was not judged for my obesity, I was encouraged to keep getting better.  It wasn’t about being the best it was and is about getting better each day.

That day I was given a new name, I was no longer a sadclown I became Meatloaf.  Over the next few weeks I attended every workout, except the runs as I would say I’m not a runner.  The workouts didn’t get easier I began to get better.  One of the final Q’s to lead up before we were out on our own was Phonebooth and something he said stuck with me and changed my perspective on running.  He talked about how he was not a runner until he started and shared some of my same reservations.  So the next week after that Q I decided to give the run groups a chance.  Those first few weeks were tough and I was dragging but I’ve continued to get better.

Today marks month 3 in the journey of F3Greenwood.  Three months ago I was 273lbs, today I’m 243lbs.  Three months ago I couldn’t run to the mailbox without being winded (in fairness my driveway is kinda long), today I’m running 3 days a week and doing boot camp 3 days a week, I’ve even Q’d a couple of workouts.  Am I in good shape and done now, no way but I am getting better each day alongside my brothers of F3Greenwood!

F3 works because of all three F’s working together in a mans life.  If your only interested in the first F (Fitness) you will become burned out and quit.  If your only interested in the second F (Fellowship) you will get tired of the hard work of the first F and quit and the bonds won’t last.  If your only interested in the third F (Faith) you won’t develop the closeness with a group of men needed for the third F to truly work.  It takes all three F’s working together to keep challenging and bonding men to come together to conquer our sadclowns and become the men, the husbands, the dads, the leaders God has called us to be.  It’s not about me, it’s about us.  I need my F3 brothers and they need me.

In 3 months I have not accomplished this alone, I could not have accomplished this alone.  The growth and shrinking in the areas of my life and body have been achieved through the grace of God, through the wonderful support and love of my M, and through the support and encouragement of my F3Greenwood brothers.  The journey is just beginning but what an awesome start we are off to already.  Keep pushing, keep taking the redpill and keep getting better together.

In His Service,
