Soggy Bottom Abs
Earlier in the week the AOQ had mentioned that abs had been neglected due to pushing out longer on The Thang and working the upper body hard. YHC made note and commented he had something in mind for that. YHC pre-released his layout to a select few men and received the feedback he was looking for, #paintrain. One particular PAX even tweeted out a warning that YHC doesn’t play well with others and #painpromised. YHC arrived early to set the stage for the #beatdown and found the soccer field in their usual shape, soggy. This soccer field is the most watered field that never gets used for soccer?!? YHC had so much planned there was need for a Wenkie, so YHC reached out to the @F3Greenwood originator of the Wenkie and he obliged to loan it to me. Mumblechatter was flowing early when the PAX noticed the Wenkie. The YHC had also released out his intent on sharpening the PAX with 1 John 3:16 “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”
29 MEN dissed the #fartsack, took the #redpill and made it to the #epicenter for a Soggy Bottom #Beatdown in the #gloom. All of YHC Q’s thus far have distributed the pain to all parts of the body and this one was no different. YHC has some favorite exercises that he always like to include as well.
- First things first: YHC shares the word from 1 John 3:16 and touches on the fact that laying down our life is not just a physical death. YHC stated he would share all 3 F’s with PAX today, sharing what he had learned physically, mentally and spiritually. Physical YHC learned the Slaughter Start from Snoop and its always included in his Q’s.
- Disclaimer, yea YHC missed that one as he was a little to eager to get started, sharing the Word usually does that to me.
- Slaughter start 5 Merkin Jacks single count
- Everybody get a block, drop it by the shovel flag and mossey to baseball field.
- Plank for the 6
- 10 SSH IC
- 10 Flutter Kicks IC
- Air Chairs with Overhead Claps and LBAC
- 10 Merkins SC
- 10 Chaser LBC IC
- Air Chairs with Overhead Claps and LBAC (Crowd Pleaser)
- 10 Workins SC
- 10 Dying Cockroaches IC
- 10 Imperial Walkers IC
Mosey to the Hill and plank for the 6
The Warmup Thang
YHC shares that the easy thing is to say I would physically die for my wife, the hard thing is dying to self for my wife.
- Bear Crawl Up and do Freddy Mercury 30-20-10
- Run to the Bottom and do Flutter Kicks 10-20-30
- Plank for the 6
Count off 1’s and 2’s
Tunnel of Love down the Hill
Indian Run to the Soccer Field and Run in place for the 6
The Main Thang
Mumblechatter began about the number of cones and it became #problematic to explain the exercise due to the fact that we had 29 guys spread out, need to get a mega phone and the level of the mumblechatter. The YHC was undeterred and pushed thought to get the exercise laid out.
6 stations, start at 1, then got to 2, then back to 1, back to 2, then 3, then back to 2, back to 1… you get the picture your hitting all the stations going and coming and a different motion to get to each cone. All reps are single count with the exception of station 6, 30 overhead claps IC.
- Station 1 (5) Reps of Boat/Canoe than Sprint to Station 2
- Station 2 (10) Reps of Russian Twist High Knee to Station 3
- Station 3 (15) Reps of Flutter Kicks Cross Overs to Station 4
- Station 4 (20) Dying Cockroaches Backwards Run to Station 5
- Station 5 (25) Chaser LBC’s Bear Merkins (YHC staple and Crowd Pleaser) to Station 6
- Station 6 (30) Overhead Claps IC
The sequence goes 1,2,1,2,3,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1. It was ab-delicious!
At this point one PAX finally says “anyone wondering what we got the blocks for?” I’m glad they asked 6 minutes of AMRAP work.
Mosey to the shovel flag and grab your block.
- 1 minute AMRAP Block Press
- 1 minute AMRAP Flutter Kicks
- 1 minute AMRAP Curls
- 1 minute AMRAP Chaser LBC
- 1 minute AMRAP Overhead Press
Out of time and didn’t get the AMRAP Dying Cockroaches in at the end.
YHC congradulated the PAX on a job well done in putting in the work in the #gloom. We all #gotbetter today. YHC expanded on laying down our lives for our families, the community and our group. Dying to self and putting the needs of our wife and kids above our own. YHC suggested that maybe sometimes we need to set our hobbies aside to invest in our wife and kids, our put our wants and desires aside to meet the needs of our wife and kids. YHC also noted it was important to each man have an accountability partner that’s going to be honest with him and truly do life together. It’s impossible in a group of 30, you need one or two guys that you share life with together.
COT Meatloaf lead the Countorama and Nameorama Two FNG’s today welcome Father (Beuller) and Son (Pele), son will have to ask dad who Pele is when he gets home.
- Announcements: The split is coming! Sign up for the news letter, Juggernaut’s doing an awesome job getting information out to everyone and having great write ups.
- Prayer Request: Juggernaunt’s son has ankle injury. Flossy is headed out on a Mission Trip
- Meatloaf closed with prayer.