F3 Greenwood

F3 brothers the Hurricane is coming to North Charleston SC!

On Saturday, 27 June at 0700 F3 Summerville will kick out its first created #CSAUP! It will be a four hour event with lots of pain, suffering, and brotherhood. We have planned a great workout for you – challenging all parts of the body! To top it off we will hang out and drink some great beers brewed by the Low Country’s own Coast Brewing Company. You will also earn a Hurricane patch to boast of your exploits.

Since F3 Summerville first launched Faultline in January we have been blessed with tremendous growth. That first AO has spawned into so much more – Bootcamps – Faultline, Seismic, Aftershock and Magnitude. Running – Tremor. Biking – Oscillator. Swimming – Tsunami. Service – Landslide. Fellowship – Liquefaction. Faith – Epicenter. Even for all of us it is still incredible to see and feel the changes in ourselves and experience this as brothers. We have men who have never run a race prepping for the Blue Ridge Run. We have men who were in mediocre fitness levels training for a GoRuck in September. Men are challenging themselves and each other everyday and in doing so improving their lives all around – and serving the community!

F3 Summerville wants to thank all of our brothers that came down to get us started and show us the ropes. You have also offered guidance and direction in an ongoing manner! We are all appreciative of your support and this is a time to thank you! Please come out and join us – HC today and enjoy a great event with F3 Summerville.

Click here now for more details and to HC –