Conditions: it’s summer in the south, hot and humid
YHC returned home today to lead the Pax in their last Expansion lead Q prior to turning it over. Before planning the First F, YHC, reached out to Mayheim to see if the Pax were ready for something tough. Mayheim replied with, “Make it Brutal,” so YHC did the best he could.
The Thang:
Pax to Denied’s truck to pick out coupons(28lb cinder blocks) and partners
Pax to soccer field
Circle up for warm up (no coupons)
SSHx25 IC (Swamprabbit requirement)
Imperial Walkers X25 IC (Swamprabbit requirement)
BLIMPS (new to Pax, so we introduced it today)
5 Burpees
10 Lunges double count
15 Imperial Walkers double count
20 Merkins
25 Plank jacks
30 Squats
Round 1: P1 runs around soccer field markers, .18 miles, P2 does man maker Burpees with coupon (#smoker). 7 minutes of AMRAP. When time was up everyone run additional lap to catch the six. #nomanleftbehind. We start together, we finish together. Then circle up in plank and share our numbers. We stay in plank until all numbers are spoken. Then 25 LBC’s IC and 25 Freddie Merc’s IC, both have last 5 in slow cadence. Move immediately into round 2.
Round 2: exactly the same as above, but this time squat curls with blocks. #sunsoutgunsout
Round 3: exactly the same as above, but this time Merkins on the blocks. Lots and lots of groaning here. Capri made note that if you should Merlot on the block you could just flip it over and keep going. #noted #protip
In between the round of LBC’s and Freddie Merc’s a train came by. Burpees x20. Plank when done, then continue to Freddie Merc’s. Added dying cockroach x25 IC to wrap it up.
YHC did the best he could to get some merlot from the group but it did not happen, for that I’m both sorry and extremely pleased. F3 Greenwood is an extremely great group and it was an honor and a pleasure to lead these warriors this morning. The resilliance of this group is what amazed me this morning. YHC tried to break them down and weaken the group and it didn’t happen and at this point, I do not see it happening. Keep Eh’ing #sadclowns and keep encouraging the six. Leave no man left behind and always have an idea for your next AO.
It was also great for YHC to lead his hometown Q on almost his 1 year anniversary of being in F3. I look forward to seeing how you guys grow in the next year.
-July 18th, Q school after coffeteria
-You don’t want to miss Tuesday, says Capri
-If anyone has any friends or family that is EMT, Police, Fire Fighters, please get with Coach K. He would like for them to stop by his ministry on Sunday’s for a cup of coffee and learn more about his ministry.
-Kids with E. Coli and the family of the daycare
-Pacer’s friends who recently had a Down syndrome baby, Kaleb is the babies name
-Fabio on his youth trip to Florida
Denied Out